It is important for webmasters to have their links
placed in as many sites as possible,
especially exchanging links. The top search engines such
as Yahoo and Google choose their top sites based on the number of links
that they receive from other sites and how
many links they provide for other sites. The more popular
your site is, the better placed your site
will be. In our experience lots of our links come from
other site, and some weeks more then the search engines. So let us help
each other to achieve the goal we set out to achieve. We are not here to
compete with each other but to help each other to serve the Universe
We invite you to be a link partner with us. Please chose the most suitable
link that will serve your visitors and us
Women’s Network Regional Directory
provides links to Women who provide a valuable service to the community
around the World in the Alternative health, Alternative life style
( i.e yoga, meditation, Counseling), Music and Arts Community. We
have the largest Alternative link life style directory, listing to the
most popular sites on the net.
Tantric Goddess Network
Tantra IFC and Tantric Goddess Network shares teachings of Inter Faith
Tantra, Yoni Tantra Puja, Tantrik Yoni Healing, Tantra Goddess worship,
Couples massage and more. We offer Tantra Teacher training in Kanchipuram,
South India.
IFC Temple of Divine Love
At IFC Australia one can explore Inter Faith Tantra, Kama Sutra,
Travel, Yoni healing, Goddess worship and more in Australia, Canada, USA,
UK, Malaysia, India. You can invite our Master to visit your local area
Tantra IFC
the Art of Conscious Love
IFC USA- Come explore Inter Faith Tantra, Kama Sutra, Pilgrimage,
Yoni healing, Goddess worship and more, Australia, Canada, USA, UK,
Malaysia, India.
We offer Tantra Teacher training in Killangulam,
Madurai District, South India.
IFC Temple of Divine Love
At IFC one can explore Inter Faith Tantra, Kama Sutra,
Travel, Yoni healing, Goddess worship and more in Australia, Canada, USA,
UK, Malaysia, India. You can invite our Master to visit your local area
Village Kids
at Tantra Goddess Temple India
You are invited to join IFC Temple of Divine Love and HELP
Killangulam, Madurai District, South India, so
that the little Children can have a Home, education,
healthy food, and most important of all we will be their family that
Joy and grace is what they deserve. Send us a donation of $27 to be a
of IFC Temple of Divine Love Inc
Tantric Soul Mate
IFC's (Inter Faith Center - House of Inter Faith Tantra) online dating
service is where singles find their Soul Mate. We provide a very
personalized service, it is not computerized, there is a real human behind
this screen who works your compatibility and connects you with your
potential Soul Mate
You can choose to link to anyone of our site, and we will do the same
for you in the site of your choice. On the other hand you may link to all
our site, and we would do the same for you.
If you are unable to Reciprocal, it is ok, all you have to do is send
us a donation of $20, and this funds will help us help street kids in
Please HELP us to HELP the
little helpess Kids.
IFC is dedicated to assisting homeless little children achieve healthy,
giving them love, education and a future, You can help us to provide the
little children A place to eat , A place to sleep , A place to love and to
be loved Please send us your URL and discretion so that we can update or
post a new link with us.

One should visit this Links, they are interesting
and very creative. It is all personal pages of young people either at
University or have just started to work. Some are older.
Aafreen | Kamala
Anupindi |
Kalyani Bhaskar | Archana Bhat |
Champa Bilwakesh |
Priya Kumar Bradfield |
Peta Cooper |
Kavita Daiya |
Kalyani Deshpande
| Sreyashi Dey
Sreyashi Dancer |Fatima
Husain | Janani
Janakiraman | Aparna
Jayachandran |
Ananya Jahanara
Kabir |
Vrinda Kadiyali | Divya
Kakaiya | Manveen
Kalyanpur | Roshani Kothari
| Radha Krishnan |
Krishnaswami | Mirjam
Letsch |
Meenakshi Madhur |
Radhika Malpani |
Caroline Martin |
Nadarajah |
Lata Narayanan |
Uma Parameswaran |
Laxmi Parida |
Ranju Raj |
B. Ramanathan |
Madhumati M.
Ramesh | Louiqa
Raschid | Fazia Begum
Rizvi | Manjusree
Sen | Aparna Sindhoor |
Vaswati Rani Sinha
| Jyotsna Sreenivasan |
Jaya Tripathi-Kolesnik |
Abha Varma |
Nahreen Zaman