Welcome to our web site!
Women's Network Regional Directory is set-up to help Women find success in
their self-employment affords. We list women who provide a valuable service
to the community in Alternative life style services, (i.e. yoga, meditation,
Counseling) Alternative health, Music and the Arts Community. Please support
all those who are trying to add joy and harmony in our lives and the World
as a Whole. Visit their website or email those who on our list. In the near
future we would sell products and services directly from this website.

Women's Network Regional Directory currently offer
FREE MEMBERSHIP to Women who are out there wanting to help bring joy and
love into the live of their community. No adult works.
We invite those who are interested in setting up a Regional Directory
similar to this one can write to us. If you are interested in helping your
community please contact us my email
IFC Temple of Divine Love
Netherlands USA
We are affiliated to the following groups.
Tantric Goddess Network
Women's Net
Photo link to Women in Business. Comprehensive health service Directory,
Womens Health Directory, Global and by Regional
Tantric Soul Mate Connection.
where spiritual find their twin-soul