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Tantra Goddess
Tantra Teacher's Training
Tantra Teacher's Training, four-Level diploma program is designed to provide Tantrika's
(person practicing Tantra) with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to provide
safe, effective, and ethical care. Each Level is for a period of 3 months
ultimate adventure of discovering all the Tantric Temples in South India.
Women's Network
We currently offer FREE MEMBERSHIP to Women who are out there wanting to help bring joy
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We offer Vedic
Horoscopes that will help you mold your life towards a very successful life, by
understanding what your past karma is and how to change it. Let our experts help you.
- Walking the
Shamans Path
... walks between the worlds.
Shamans or those that walk the path follow the laws of nature both in spirit and in form.
Shamanism is not ...
Found by: Anzwers, NineMsn
http://www.adcnetwork.net.au/shaman/ | 86%
- Dream
of Shamans
Dream of Shamans By David Noakes ©
November 1995 Brisbane Australia I had been in an ordinary dream, walking through a cross
between a forest and a jungle, with a sense that something was following me.
Found by: NineMsn
| 83%
- anthro-l:
may-1996: Shamans, wonks, and working by the book
book Shamans, wonks, and working by
the book John McCreery (jlm@TWICS.COM) Sat, 11 May 1996 08:22:42 +0900 Messages sorted by:
[ date ][ thread ][ subject ][ author ] Next message: Judith Pederson: "conditioned
assumptions" Previous message: Jay Bernstein...
Found by: AltaVista, FAST Search
| 73%
- John
Nelson: Shaman
John Nelson: Shaman click on image
for surprise views! Title: Shaman Artist: John Nelson Material: huon pine, redgum, Tagua
nut, ebony Size: approx.20inches high Original: US$2010.00 Replicas: No Cata
Found by: HotBot
http://www.woodart.com.au/a_nels11.htm | 71%
- Shaman
DESCRIPTION As tribal primitive equivalent of priests in their primitive cultures, shamans
are the mediators between the powers and spirits outside the tribe and the tribe me
Found by: HotBot
| 70%
- Shaman Drum Bookshop
specialises in scholarly books in the
humanities and literature, from US and foreign publishers.
Found by: Yahoo! Australia & NZ
| 64%
- Shamans Moon: A Stoner
Mctavish Mystery; Dreher, Sarah; English; Trade Paper
Shamans Moon: A Stoner Mctavish
Mystery by Dreher, Sarah
Found by: AltaVista
| 63%
- Civilized Shamans:
Buddhism In Tibetan Societies
Civilized Shamans: Buddhism In
Tibetan Societies. Geoffrey Samuel. Description. ... Reviews of Civilized Shamans.
Contents. Preface. INTRODUCTION. ...
Found by: Anzwers, FAST Search
| 60%
- Shaman
journal of the International Society for
Shamanistic Research.
Found by: Yahoo! Australia & NZ
| 58%
- Shadowrun Zodiac totem shamans
For thousands of years people have
followed the Zodiac, the sectioning of the sky and constellations into twelve parts, as
dictated by the path of the sun and planets. The time of your birth, according to this
wisdom, influences your personality, behavior...
Found by: AltaVista, FAST Search
| 54%
- The
Dharmi (shaman)
The Dharmi The organising of the
Dharmi blessing ceremony appeared to be so simple. Mingmar spoke to his sister in whose
house we were staying and the next evening the Dharmi appeared, along with his
Found by: HotBot
| 51%
- Professional
and Continuing Educa tion March - June
... 3 Weeks, Saturday 10am - 4.30pm $350
11 May, 25 May, 8 June 2CC006 Sorcery, Witchcraft, Shamanism and Healing Witches,
sorcerers, magicians and shamans are ...
Found by: Anzwers
| 44%
- Virtual Seattle FAQ
... They are: Druids, Tir Na Nog path
mages/shamans, practicioners of Voudoun, any of the specific Adept or quasi-magical types
specific to regional sourcebooks ...
Found by: Anzwers
http://www.netspeed.com.au/wes/vsfaq.htm |
- JanFreya
shamanism and soul retrieval,
workshops, drumming, and events on the San Mateo Coast.
Found by: Yahoo! Australia & NZ
http://janfreya.home.mindspring.com/ | 32%
- http://www.smug.adelaide.edu.au/~oedipus/shad.html
... New Totems These are some new
totems to use, but also includes some new ideas for more cultural version of shamans such
as priest in the style of Ancient Egypt ...
Found by: Anzwers
| 31%
- Tranceformations
~ Seminars on Hawaiian Huna, Shamanism, Lomilomi Massage and NLP
Tranceformations presents Seminars
on Hawaiian Huna, Hawaiian Shamanism, Lomilomi Massage and Personal Growth in Australia
and New Zealand and Sales of Shaman Tools and Related Products.
Found by: HotBot
http://www.tranceformations.com.au/ | 25%
- The Journey of Transformation - Experience
the Spirit of the ...
... By special invitation we will
be joining shamans in their sacred ceremonies and witness their wisdom handed down over
generations. ...
Found by: Anzwers
http://www.ozebiz.com.au/wmw/peru/ | 25%
Deep Tranceforming
shamanic alchemy workshops, new
methods of soul retrieval, and creativite motivation.
Found by: Yahoo! Australia & NZ
| 19%
Shaman's Universe
Celtic stories, plays, poetry, and
Found by: Yahoo! Australia & NZ
http://www.peagreenboat.demon.co.uk | 12%
Spring Festivals. Rituals &
Gatherings. Workshops Music. Anique. Feedback. Home. SACRED WORKSHOPS. Please come back to
this site as I will update workshop timings and dates throughout the year....
Found by: AltaVista
| 12%
Contact Information
- Telephone
- (91) 452 3204264 or 9842591673
- Postal address
- P.O.Box 552 Bellingen, NSW 2454, Australia
- Electronic mail
- General Information: SriDurga@tantra-goddess.net
Webmaster: SriDurga@tantra-goddess.net