Welcome to our web site!
Goddess Network Regional Directory provides links to
all who provide a valuable service to the community around the World in the Alternative
health, Alternative life style services,( i.e yoga, meditation, Counseling), Music and
Arts Community. Please support all those who are trying to add joy and harmony in our
lives and the World as a Whole. Visit their website or email those who on our list. In the
near future we would sell products and services directly from this website

We currently offer FREE MEMBERSHIP to Women who are out
there wanting to help bring joy and love into the lives of their community, i.e Yoga
Teachers, Naturopathy, Therapist, Actresses, Artist, Musician and more.
We would like to create Goddess Network Regional website similar to this one. If you are
interested in helping your community please contact us my email
We add new information daily so please check back and
please encourage friends to join. We welcome Suggestions as we are here to serve
your needs.
Remember that w currently offer FREE MEMBERSHIP to Women
who are out there wanting to help bring joy and love into the lives of their community,
i.e Yoga Teachers, Naturopathy, Therapist, Actresses, Artist, Musician and more.
Share this service with a Friend, so that they too can enjoy the benefit of the Network.
Should your country not be listed below, we would be happy to do so.
Australia | Austria | Belgium | Canada
| Denmark | England | France | Germany | Greece
| Hong Kong | India | Ireland | Italy | Japan
| Malaysia | Mexico | Netherlands | New Zealand | Portugal | Scotland | Singapore | South Africa | Switzerland | Western Europe
Directory by country and states
Women's Health | Women's Network | Favorite
|Links to health Related Sites Australia